الأربعاء، 28 أكتوبر 2020
What is Traffic Information Broadcasts by Aircraft (TIBA)?
ICAO Annex 11 states that Traffic Information Broadcasts by Aircraft "are intended to permit reports and relevant supplementary informa...
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الثلاثاء، 27 أكتوبر 2020
What is Radio Telephony?
Radio telephony provides the means by which pilots and ATC personnel communicate with each other. The information and instructions transmitt...
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What is SLOP?
Strategic Lateral Offset Procedures (SLOP) SLOP are approved procedures that allow aircraft to fly on a parallel track to the right of the c...
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Function of Airfoil
An airfoil is a surface designed to obtain lift from the air through which it moves. Thus, it can be stated that any part of the aircraft th...
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Aircraft Vacuum System Controller
Aircraft Vacuum System Controller The engine driven pump sucks air through the system. The air flows in from the inlet filter, normally lo...
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Aircraft Emergency Equipment
The FAA and other regulatory authorities have specified the types and quantities of emergency equipment that must be installed in transport ...
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What is the difference between Aviation Quality & Safety?
Considering the relationship between Aviation Quality and Aviation Safety, together with the relationship between Quality Assurance Auditing...
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Explanation on Pressure
Pressure and its variation have important applications to the prediction of winds and weather. Pressure is the force exerted by the moving m...
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