Approach Lighting Systems (ALS) - اسأل الطيار ask pilot

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الأحد، 7 يونيو 2020

Approach Lighting Systems (ALS)

Approach Lighting Systems (ALS)
Approach Lighting System (ALS) is the tail end of the Air Navigation System, thus, it is important to affect the aircraft landing. ALS allows the pilot to see and identify the runway and align the aircraft to land on the runway. It is very important especially during night time, bad weather and poor visibility.

The most critical period of an instrument approach, particularly during low ceiling/visibility conditions, is the point at which the pilot must decide whether to land or execute a missed approach. As the runway threshold is approached, the visual glidepath separates into individual lights. At this point, the approach should be continued by reference to the runway touchdown zone markers. The approach lighting system (ALS) provides lights that will penetrate the atmosphere far enough from touchdown to give directional, distance, and glidepath information for safe visual transition.
ALS are designed to allow the pilot to quickly and positively identify visibility distances under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR).
The most common approach light system configurations include:
**ALSF-1: Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashing Lights configuration 1
**ALSF-2: Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashing Lights configuration 2
Please refer to the sources given below for more information. Notes relating VASI and PAPI will share on next post.

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